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The 2020 Edition of the students' worktext and teachers' resource material of Grades 4-10 come with digital learning supplements that will help you effectively facilitate students' learning.

Learning PathWays is a competency-based, online mastery learning platform that aims to help students achieve mastery of essential learning competencies and skills.

The learning tools are:

  • competency-based, to ensure students' mastery of skills that are prerequisite to their next levels of K to 12 education;
  • online and accessible in mobile devices, for learning anytime and anywhere;
  • following the mastery learning model, where students learn at their own pace and according to their readiness level. Students are empowered to progress from their initial level towards mastery level through timely feedback and learning in sequence.

As students go through each competency, they are to complete the following:

  1. a 10-item pre-test;
  2. specific sets of "Pathways" learning tools that are adjusted based on the pre-test score; and
  3. a 10-item post-test.

Try the REX Learning PathWays!

Click below to access a demo of REX Learning PathWays.
Disclaimer: this REX Learning PathWays is for demo purposes only.